DL School Choices

      My first response to eLearning is negative. I vividly remember the failure of the Electronic Classroom of Tomorrow (ECOT). Nearly a billion dollars were sucked out of Ohio public schools by a charter system that collected money without educating students. ECOT collected tuition for as many as 300 students while educating less than seven.

    However, my first-hand experience with eLearning is quite different. In 2016 my granddaughter was a young five, and my daughter was not ready to send her to school. Instead, she enrolled her in Ohio Connections Academy. The school sent a box full of materials, and my daughter taught her at home. In addition, there were activities to meet up with other children outside the classroom. The online learning were self-guided programs that monitored my granddaughter's progress and provided resources for online learning and homeschooling. She went on to public schools the next year well-prepared and more mature.

   Fast-forward four years, and COVID as greatly altered the landscape of eLearning in the US. Enrollment is surging; Ohio Virtual Academy (OHVA) is at capacity for grades K-8. Other schools like Ohio Distance and Electronic Learning Academy OHDELA, have added live class sessions, breakout group activities, and actual teacher interactions. They monitor engagement levels. This is a more traditional type of classroom with peer interactions. Ohio Connections Academy, unlike the other eLearning venues, does not try to create the classroom experience. Instead, it provides resources for parents that wish to homeschool. I'm glad I have some experience because I do not feel that sites are clearcut in their explanation of learning approaches.

     I believe the best place for a child to learn in a classroom. Distance learning is not my first pick for a child. But,  with things like COVID  it may be necessary for safety. I would pick a classroom like OHVA or OHDELA that have more traditional classrooms with teachers and peers. Not all students are self-motivated, and parents are busy, so teachers I believe licensed teachers are necessary. Also, I think all students should have peer interactions. Online learning is effective, but too much screentime is not the best way to learn. Interactions with other students is as important as learning.

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